It isn't always easy to know when to seek help or what type of specialist to see. Our favorite Pelvic Floor PT Gopi Pillai shares 6 reasons you should see a pelvic floor PT.
- You are experiencing any bladder or bowel dysfunction. This could urinary, fecal or gas leakage or frequency, having the feeling of urinary or bowel urgency, incomplete emptying, constipation, or anything else that doesn't feel good.
You are experiencing pain anywhere in your pelvis, pubic area, vagina, vulva, hips, low back, buttocks, sciatic or sacral areas, abdomen or ribs. In fact, pelvic health PTs are just PTs, so see a PT for any musculoskeletal pain.
- You are experiencing any pressure. This could be a "falling out" sensation anywhere in your pelvic floor, or even the feeling of a tampon half in/half out of your vagina or rectum
- You are experiencing sexual dysfunction including pain with intercourse or any penetration, pain with arousal or orgasm or decreased orgasm with yourself or a partner.
- You are experiencing core weakness which could include symptoms like abdominal separation or bulging, or may just be a general feeling of disconnectedness from your core and are just not sure what to do next.
You have no idea what or where your pelvic floor is. Even if you're feeling great, but want to learn more about your body to optimize your health.
You can consult a Pelvic Health Physical Therapist whether you've had a baby or not; and before and/or after the baby arrives. It's never "too late"! Tell your moms, friends, nieces and anyone with a pelvis! No one needs to suffer when there is help!